Khodorkovsky: “I feel sorry for you.”

Mikhail Khodorkovsky responds to the accusations of the General Prosecutor’s Office
When I read this declaration from the General Prosecutor’s Office, I unwittingly began to feel sorry for Putin – nobody is able to tell him that:
– Repressive, illegitimate laws have to be sabotaged as much and as best as possible;
– The laws created by him and the practice of their application do not allow for his rule to be replaced in a lawful way;
– Such laws and such a practice are anti-constitutional, meaning that he has staged an anti-constitutional coup;
– It is precisely for this reason that he or his successor will be brought down outside the bounds of these laws — that is by way of revolution;
– In a modern country, no regime ought to be eternal, meaning that revolution is not only unavoidable; it is imperative.
You consider the truth to be extremism? I feel sorry for you.
We cite the full text of the declaration published on the General Prosecutor’s Office website:
“Deputy General Prosecutor of Russia Vladimir Malinovsky has sent the IC RF the materials of a review of information about public calls by M. Khodorkovsky for regime change
“Posted on the «Internet» telecommunicational-informational network on 9 December 2015 was a video recording of a press conference conducted by Mikhail Khodorkovsky in the Swiss office of the «Open Russia» civic movement, in which he publicly called for regime change in the Russian Federation by way of a revolution.
“Having in the course of the indicated event made false declarations about the repressiveness and wrongfulness of current legislation, the illegitimacy of parliament, the unlawfulness of the elections of the President of Russia and the dependence of the courts, Khodorkovsky proposed sabotaging the laws. For the reason of the absence in the country, as asserted by him, of the institution of honest elections and other mechanisms for the lawful transfer of power, Khodorkovsky called for the accomplishment of a revolution as the sole and necessary way of replacing power, having indicated that certain measures are already being undertaken by him for this.
“In connection with what has been set forth, deputy General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation Vladimir Malinovsky has adopted a decision to send the materials of the review to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for resolution of the question of conducting a procedural review and initiating a criminal case.”