Alexey Venediktov: “I Hope That Khodorkovsky and Lebedev Will Be Released in 2013”
Moscow – The Russian radio station “Echo of Moscow” drew attention to the imprisonment of Mikhail Khodorkovsky during its discussion of Putin’s granting of Russian citizenship to Gerard Depardieu. Alexey Venediktov, chief editor of the radio station and the president of the “Echo TV” commented:
…“Before we go on a small break I’ll elaborate on a part related to Putin’s decision to grant, in a simplified way, by decree, a citizenship to Depardieu. I believe that the President of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution, has a right to grant a citizenship like that…because he wants to. This is his legitimate right. Yes, there is a law for a mass citizenship; however the President has the right to grant a person a citizenship by his rule. This is a very important right. In the same manner, the Constitution contains a Presidential right, despite the law, to pardon any given prisoner.
But the story is that when the pardon is in question – and we understand, what kind of pardon, I am talking about Khodorkovsky’s pardon – then there is the law, then we must obey the law. You know, let some committee somewhere tell me, the President, what to do. This is garbage. Russia is a presidential republic, and the President has a right to pardon, just because, and to grant a citizenship, just because. Or he does not have a right, not here, not there. From my point of view, my personal point of view, the President of the Russian Federation has a right to individually grant a citizenship, independently from any procedures. He also has a right to pardon, independently from any procedures.
I would like to conclude on this note – I very much hope that this year, from my point of view, the unjustly imprisoned Khodorkovsky and the unjustly imprisoned Lebedev will be released. True, their sentences were reduced. I think Lebedev should be released in June and Khodorkovsky – in one year, in December, I mean 2013 [in fact, Khodorkovsky is now due to be released in October 2014, but at this stage that remains far from certain – Ed.] I very much hope that this unjust imprisonment hasn’t embittered them. I also hope that the audience of “Echo of Moscow” will be able to hear their own story on how it was, in their view, in this year of 2013. It’s a great pity that neither President Medvedev, nor President Putin have exercised their right to be humane. To grant a citizenship is humane. To pardon is also humane”.