March 13, 2018Russian State Companies Force Employees To Vote In Presidential ElectionWith the upcoming presidential elections in Russia just around the corner, numerous reports of forced voting and coercion have arisen with the goal of increasing voter turnout.
March 9, 2018How Russian Celebrities Are Pushing People to VoteThe Kremlin is getting ever more creative in its plan to mobilise 70% of the electorate to come out and vote
March 9, 2018Will Automation Solve Russia’s Corruption Problem?Recent research suggests that automation could radically cut instances of corruption in education and healthcare
March 8, 2018How is Vladimir Putin Preparing for Election Day?The incumbent president has rejected traditional campaigning and participation in debates in exchange for presidential grandstanding
February 15, 2018Russian Student Jailed For Academic Dissertation On Contemporary ExtremismAlexander Kruze was given a 2.5 year sentence for posting images online as part of his dissertation research on contemporary extremism
February 9, 2018Russia’s Higher Education Institutions Are DisappearingThe number of universities in Russia has halved in the last three years as 1097 institutions face closure.
February 8, 2018The Russian FSB Is Becoming More Popular Than EverRecent research has revealed a stark rise in positive perceptions of the Russian security services among Russians.
February 5, 2018Mayoral Candidate Dmitry Gudkov Discusses Russia’s Future at British Houses of ParliamentThe discussion intended to draw attention to the March 2018 Russian presidential elections and Vladimir Putin’s predetermined victory.
February 2, 2018US Court Fines Russian Separatist Leader £400m for Shooting Down MH17Igor ‘Strelkov’ Girkin has been one of the most outspoken advocates of the Kremlin’s policy in east Ukraine.
January 31, 2018US Treasury Releases ‘Kremlin Report’ Targeting Elite Russian Politicians and BusinessmenAlthough drawing wide criticism, the new sanctions list is still in its infancy
January 31, 2018Russian Vice Prime Minister Claims There Are No Oligarchs In RussiaThe Vice Prime Minister claimed that Russia is instead the home of “socially responsible businessmen”
January 26, 2018Opposition to Unite Against Corrupt Presidential ElectionsOn Sunday January 28 demonstrations will take place across Russia …