Khodorkovsky Endorses Elena Lukyanova

May 20, 2014

In May, for the first time Russia is holding online elections to the Public Chamber (PC). Previously, the Chamber was formed on the basis of proposals from the President and from national and regional public organisations which competed to be selected. Now any Russian citizen has the right to choose their representative in the PC. Mikhail Khodorkovsky has made his choice:

He commented: “I have known Elena Lukyanova for many years; I characterise her as a great specialist in the constitutional law and a caring person. Elena Anatolyevna (Lukyanova) trusts that she can use the platform of the Public Chamber to protect the public interest. I believe in her talents and ask you to support her at the elections.”

The voting is taking place from May 1 until May 30 on the website of the Russian public initiative. In order to participate, Russian citizens have to register themselves (or authorise themselves if already a member) on the website of the public services. Forty-three candidates will be selected out of 266. Each Russian citizen has the right to choose one candidate in 14 different categories.

The English-language website of the Russian Civic Chamber can be viewed here.