Mikhail Khodorkovsky Congratulates Memorial Germany on its 20th Anniversary
Today the German branch of Russian human rights NGO Memorial celebrates its 20th anniversary with a three day event at the House of Democracy and Human Rights in Berlin.
Impressed by the commitment of Memorial activists in Russia – who often became victims of political persecution themselves – friends of Memorial in Berlin founded the German branch in May 1993 to support the NGO´s important work in Russia. In their 20 years of existence, Memorial Germany has constantly raised awareness for the current human rights situation in Russia as well as informed the public about the tyranny and victims of the Stalinist regime. Numerous voluntary members spearheaded campaigns in Germany to expose violations, influence policy change and promote public participation in Russia as well as to support social projects run by partner organisations in Russia.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky sent his congratulations in a letter to Memorial Germany and acknowledged the organisation’s long-standing and positive commitment to the development of Russia’s civil society. “Especially in these dire times your work is of utmost importance”, he wrote referring to the recent NGO crackdowns in Russia, during which Memorial was one of the first organisations to be targeted by the authorities. “Politically motivated pressure on public organisations is unacceptable. It prevents the flourishing of a civil society which is so essential for Russia’s political, economic and also social modernisation”, he added.
Today and on Saturday, May 11, Memorial Germany will be hosting several events including panel discussions, a film screening and workshops. After a general meeting on Sunday, May 12, participants will visit the memorial to the Soviet remand prison Leistikowstraße in Potsdam where they will commemorate the fate of unlawfully detained Russian prisoners. More information and the full program can be found online at Memorial.de
An English translation of Khodorkovsky’s letter to Memorial Germany can be read HERE