Mikhail Khodorkovsky Pays Tribute to Yuri Schmidt at Heinrich Boell Foundation Event in Berlin

On January 19, Mikhail Khodorkovsky attended an event organised by the Heinrich Boell Foundation, entitled “Rule of Law and Human Dignity: A Conversation in memory of the Russian human rights lawyer Yuri Schmidt.”
Khodorkovsky, alongside Arseny Roginsky, historian and human rights activist from Memorial, and German Green Party MP, Marieluise Beck, paid tribute to the legendary Russian lawyer and human rights defender, Yuri Markovich Schmidt, who passed away on January 12, 2013. The event was moderated by Ralf Fücks, President of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
Schmidt devoted his life to fighting for the development of the rule of law and an independent justice system in Russia and received numerous awards for his professional commitment. The Heinrich Boell Foundation awarded him with the Petra Kelly Prize in 2006. Schmidt served as Khodorkovsky’s defence lawyer from 2004 and described the Khodorkovsky case as the most important of his life.
During the event, Khodorkovsky underlined that the best way to continue Schmidt’s mission is to support those who are unjustly imprisoned for their ideas.
Earlier this month, on the first anniversary of Schmidt’s death, Khodorkovsky honoured his friend and lawyer in a message in memory of Yuri Schmidt: “A year ago Yuri Markovich passed away. We are to continue his work.”
Video of the event (German)
Video of the event (Russian)