Putin’s defeat will be Navalny’s victory

The European Union should declare the forthcoming so-called ‘presidential elections’ in Russia to be illegitimate and Vladimir Putin to be an illegitimate president.
Europe should also prepare a comprehensive long-term strategy to help the Russian democratic forces and civil society prepare for a sustainable democracy in Russia after the collapse of Putin’s regime, which would allow Russia to prosper as a normal European country.
These are the two main messages the EPP Group wants to convey ahead of today’s debate and tomorrow’s vote on the Resolution condemning the murder of Alexei Navalny and calling for EU action in support of political prisoners and oppressed civil society in Russia.
“Alexei Navalny fought for his dream of a wonderful, normal, European, democratic Russia. The prospect of a Russia that many Russians still believe in. When this will become a reality, depends not only on ordinary Russians, but also on the opposition to Putin and Russian civil society. It is also our dream because peace in Europe depends on this dream coming true,” emphasises Andrius Kubilius MEP, the EPP Group’s lead MEP on Russia.
That’s why the EPP Group calls on the EU institutions to work without delay on a plan for the EU’s future political relations with a democratic Russia. Such a strategy should include structural support for the democratic forces and civil society both in Russia and in exile, as well as defining the conditions for Western assistance for Russia’s transition.
On the same occasion, the EPP Group insists that Ukraine’s victory is a precondition for the failure of the authoritarian regimes in Belarus and Russia. Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration is not only key to Europe’s security, but it will also contribute to the democratic transformation of Russia and Belarus.
“Ukraine’s victory, which depends on Western support, will open the window for this transformation. Vladimir Putin will lose. He will be crushed first in Ukraine and then in Russia. The end of his kleptocratic regime will be the ultimate victory of Alexei Navalny,” Kubilius says.