Donald Tusk Writes to Gazeta Wyborcza on Khodorkovsky

May 10, 2014

As the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza celebrated its 25th anniversary this week by titling Mikhail Khodorkovsky “Person of the Year,” Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote a letter thanking the editors and journalists for their contribution to democracy over the years.

Ladies and Gentleman, my dear Gazeta Wyborcza

The title of the man of the year goes to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who became a symbol of democratic Russia.

Until recently Mikhail Khodorkovsky was a prisoner of Vladimir Putin, earlier he was enterpreneur and a man of financial success, for many years he remains unbreakable defender of dignity and human rights in Russia. Like others I don’t know of any other such example of heroic change in our times. Giving him the title of man of the year I understand as a sign of Solidarity with all, who demand deep democratisation of Russian state.

Today’s event is also an opportunity to give my best regards to Gazeta Wyborcza as an institution, which helped create Polish freedom and democracy. On its 25th birthday let me thank you and wish creators and journalists of Gazeta such insistent mission for next years.
Your faithful reader for 25 years

Donald Tusk