April 19, 2018Survey Shows Vast Majority Of Russians Aren’t Prepared To Publicly ProtestRecent data shows nearly 90% of Russians would not participate in demonstrations for social or political issues
April 17, 2018Leading Yeltsin Analyst On The Difficulties Of Fighting CorruptionThis is a translation of an interview with leading Yeltsin …
April 16, 2018Experts Claim Russian Secondary Education Is On Verge Of CollapseA recent report claims that Russia’s education budget must rise significantly to meet new challenges
April 11, 2018Negative Attitudes Towards UK At Record High In Russia As Tensions RiseRecent data from the Levada Centre shows a signifiant rise in negative attitudes towards the UK among Russians
April 6, 2018Data Reveals Russians Warm To Cheka & KGBA social survey by the Levada-Centre in Russia has detected …
April 5, 2018Vladivostok Court Arrests Navalny Supporter For ‘Extremism’ After Telegram Re-PostThe Primorsky Regional Court dismissed an appeal against the arrest of Dmitry Tretyakov, who has been accused of inciting extremism after reposting a public message on messaging app Telegram.
March 29, 2018Head of Memorial Human Rights Centre Brutally Attacked in MakhachkalaOn the morning of March 28 the head of the Dagestan regional branch of Memoral Human Rights Centre was viciously beaten by a group of attackers in Makhachkala, the regional capital.
March 29, 2018Rosneft Mobilized 95% of Workforce On Election DayRecent revelations show the extent to which state companies successfully helped sway the presidential vote
March 27, 2018Mikhail Khodorkovsky Meets With Lithuanian Foreign MinisterOn Monday March 26, Open Russia founder Mikhail Khodorkovsky met …
March 23, 2018Putin’s ‘National Goals’ For Next 6 Years: Ambition vs. RealityVladimir Putin’s plans for the future of the Russian economy are ambitious, but few have grounds in reality.
March 22, 2018Western Leaders Must Steer Clear of Criminal Kremlin RepresentativesDuma deputy Leonid Skutsky has been accused of multiple instances of forceful sexual harassment, yet he still remain in his post and a media boycott begins.
March 16, 2018Revealed: Secretive Kremlin Plan To Increase Voter TurnoutAs Russia approaches re-election day, the Putin regime is leaving no stone unturned in its attempts to increase voter turnout.