Statements of Support (2003-2013) / Meckel, Markus MEP

“The second trial currently underway is all the more a test case to see whether the Russian justice system will make the grade. There are many signs to indicate that the new trial is also politically motivated. The charges seem absurd alone from the supposed amount of embezzled crude oil, which was enough that if it were filled into train cars and lined up, the line would circle the earth three times.

The trial is a test case for the seriousness with which the reforms are being undertaken and for Medvedev’s general credibility.

Medvedev’s credibility and his agenda for reform will largely be determined by the outcome of the test case Khodorkovsky/Lebedev in court”

Markus Meckel MEP Germany (Social Democrats), then Deputy Spokesman on Foreign Affairs, Bundestag Debate, July 2, 2009