August 15, 2018Mikhail Khodorkovsky Announces Launch of Foundation for International Investigations of Crimes Against Media: Justice for JournalistsJustice for Journalists, a foundation set up in order to investigate violent crimes against journalists who have been targeted as a result of their professional duties
August 3, 2018Who Guards the Guardians? The Illusion of Civil Society in RussiaA brief history of civil society in Russia from Yeltsin to Putin 4.0
August 1, 2018Head of Investigation Control Centre Plans trip to the Central African Republic to Investigate Murder of Russian journalistsAfter the murder of three journalists in the Central African Republic, the investigation begins
July 25, 2018“I don’t want to die at work”As the retirement age in Russia is increased, many fear not making it to their pensions
July 18, 2018As Trump Gives Way To Putin, The World Is Left In DismayInternational spectators hold their breath as Donald Trump signals concessions to Putin over election interference
July 18, 2018Pussy Riot Call For Kremlin To Address Human Rights During World Cup FinalRadical activists storm the pitch calling for the Russian Government to address human rights
June 14, 2018Russia’s World Cup Is The Most Costly To DateAmid corruption scandals and vast overspending, Russia’s world cup has cost an arm and a leg
June 7, 2018It’s the World Cup, but Jack isn’t here to watch it.John O’Brien, who lost his son on board MH17, speaks out on the World Cup, and finding a common humanity amidst the catastrophe of war.
May 14, 2018“I Do Not Want To Participate In This Charade”Prominent journalists pull out of Russia’s Human Rights Council after failure to investigate beatings at anti-Putin demonstration
May 8, 2018The ‘Heroes’ Of The Putin EraMBK.Media has put together a compilation of the most disapproved-of recipients of state honours throughout the Putin era.
May 3, 2018Russia’s Internet-Ombudsman Admits Impossibility Of Blocking TelegramAs chaos follows the Telegram assault, Russian businesses takes a hit, and hits back.
April 26, 2018New Kemerovo Governor Announces 0 Rouble Annual Income. His wife? 12 Million.Novaya Gazeta reports that Sergei Tsivilev, Governor of Russia’s Kemerovo …